Yıllara Göre Tarih

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Video / Yıllara Göre Tarih / TEMATİK


50 Centuries in 10 Minutes
All Colonial Empires
The Evolution of World Democracy
History of Empires
20 Largest Empires in the World
Visualizing Empires Decline
Expansion and Decline of European Imperialism / Every Year (1492-2016)
Human Population Through Time (2016)
The History of the World / Every Year
The History of the World (1492-2016)
History of the World Every Year

The History of Antarctica / 1815-Present
The Exploration of the Arctic / Every Year
Country Size Comparison (All 195 Flag Map Ranking)
The History of the Plague Every / Major Epidemic
U.S. Railroad History Map / 1830-1990s

The Spread of the Indo-Europeans
Sanskrit Connections to English — World History — Khan Academy
The History of the Turkic Languages
A Turkish Origin for Indo-European languages

Spread of Buddhism (Digital Timeline)
The Rise and Fall of Catholic Military Orders
The Spread of Christianity — Part 1 (30-1000)
The Spread of Christianity — Part 2 (1000-2016)
Crusades 1st - 6th
Islam 622-1453 / Every Year
The Islamic Conquests
Animated map shows how religion spread around the world
Zoroastrianism / World History — Khan Academy

Future Top 10 Country Projected GDP Ranking (2018-2100)
Top 10 Country GDP Per Capita Ranking History (1962-2017)

History of the Inuit-Eskimos / Every Year
List of Ethnicities in Europe
European Ethnics, People, Religions, Languages

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle / World History — Khan Academy
The Cold War / 45 years of a world conflict explained on a map
The Cold War / Every Month
Communism / Every Year
History of Communism / Every Year
The History of Europe / Ideologies 1787-2013
The History of NATO / Every Year

All Colonial Empires
500 Years of European Colonialism
European Colonial Empires (1492-2008)
European Colonization of Africa / Every Year

The History of the European Union / Every Year
The History of NATO / Every Year
The Growth of the United Nations / Every Year

199 Years of Politics I
199 Years of Politics II
5K Years Political Map Europe
The Cold War Every Month
The Rulers of Europe Every Year / Every Day
The Marshall Plan

Number of Deaths in the WW2 per country
The Longest War in History — The 335 Years' War
Top 10 Country Military Spending Ranking History (1950-2017)
World War I / Every Day
World War II in Europe / Every Day
World War II on All Fronts / Every Day
World War II in the Pacific / Every Day
Every nuclear bomb explosion in history

History and Prehistory — The Origin of Humans and Human Societies / World History — Khan Academy
Out of Africa [HotW #1]
The Neolithic Revolution [HotW #2]
The Cradle of Civilisation [HotW #3]
What Happened Before History—Human Origins


Top 10 Country GDP Per Capita Ranking History (1962-2017)

Top 10 Country GDP Per Capita Ranking History (1962-2017) (LINK)


Top 10 Country Military Spending Ranking History (1950-2017)

Top 10 Country Military Spending Ranking History (1950-2017) (LINK)


Future Top 10 Country Projected GDP Ranking (2018-2100)

Future Top 10 Country Projected GDP Ranking (2018-2100) (LINK)


Number of deaths in the WW2 per country

Number of deaths in the WW2 per country (LINK)


20 Largest Empires in the World

20 Largest Empires in the World (LINK)


History of the World Every Year

History of the World Every Year (LINK)


Human Population Through Time

Human Population Through Time (2016) (LINK)


The Cold War Every Month

The Cold War Every Month (LINK)

Soğuk Savaş boyunca Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği dünya üzerinde nüfuz elde etme yarışına girdiler.


The Rulers of Europe Every Year

The Rulers of Europe Every Year (LINK)

This video shows the rulers of European countries, for every year since 400 BC.

So many comments pointing minor errors... But this video is amazing! It would be amazing even if you did with just one country, yet it covers all of Europe! This was really entretaining to see, it also changes your perspective of time, considering some important events are just a few seconds of the video.

Roman Empire was amazing, it's so impressive how long they hold their land compared to other "rulers of europ" like Napoleon or the crazy austrian dictator.

The important lesson nobody seems to get is that before the European Union there was not a moment of peace in Europe. Maybe except during the Roman empire when there was some stability. Both factions are not perfect but unless we want to transition back to a period of endless conflict we all should swallow our national pride and remain united.


Visualizing Empires Decline

Visualizing Empires Decline (LINK)


.by Pedro M Cruz "This is mainly an experimentation with soft bodies using toxi's verlet springs. The data refers to the evolution of the top 4 maritime empires of the XIX and XX centuries by extent. The visual emphasis is on their decline.


Every nuclear bomb explosion in history

Every nuclear bomb explosion in history (LINK)

6 Temmuz 1945'te Birleşik Devletler bir nükleer silahın dünyadaki ilk denemesini yaptı. Bir aydan daha kısa bir süre sonra Japonya'nın Hiroşima ve Nagazaki kentleri üzerinde iki bomba patlatıldı ve bununla İkinci Dünya Savaşı sona erdi. Japonya üzerine saldırıdan sonra hiçbir nükleer bomba kullanılmadı, ama Soğuk Savaş boyunca başlıca ABD ve SSCB tarafından olmak üzere binlerce deneme bombası patladıldı.


The Evolution of World Democracy

The Evolution of World Democracy (LINK)

"Anocracy" henüz sözlüklerde bulunmayan biraz tuhaf bir türetmedir ve sözcük anlatması gereken kavramı yeterli olarak anlatmaz. Antik Yunanca'dan uyarlanan "an-" öneki olumsuzluk imler ve bileşik sözcüğe "erksizlik" ya da "güçsüzlük" anlamını yükler. Ama denmek istenen "anarşi" değil, demokrasi ve despotizm arasında orta terim gibi birşeydir. Bir ölçüde belirsizlik düşünceye gevşeklik özgürlüğü verir ve rahatlatıcıdır.

Demokrasi her zaman despotizmden doğar, ama demokrasinin oluş süreci onu tanımlamaz. Demokrasi yurttaş toplumunun politik istencidir ve istençsiz halkların geleneksel boyun eğme tutumları ile karşıtlık içinde, yönetimin yurttaşlık bilinci tarafından belirlenmesini, modern toplumun kendi kendisini yönetmesini anlatır. Özgür, değerli, onurlu insan öndere gereksinmez, ve onun demokratik devleti onun kendi istencinin anlatımı olarak etik ideale karşılık düşer. "Anokrasi" en iyisinden bu geçiş sürecindeki çelişkiyi anlatmaya yarayabilir. Bu bağlamda en ileri demokrasiler, örneğin ABD ve İngiltere ya da İsveç ve Hollanda demokrasileri bile tam olarak aynı anlamda birer "anokrasi"dir ve onlarda da evrensel insan hakları, duyunç özgürlüğü ve yasa egemenliği yalnızca göreli olarak daha düşük bir düzeyde çiğnenmektedir.

Demokratik ülkeler ve anokratik ya da otokratik ülkeler arasındaki ayrım birincilerin etik gelişime açık iken, ikincilerin geleneksel yapılarında direterek modernleşmeyi ve özgürleşmeyi reddetmeleridir. Demokrasi bir oluş sürecidir ve oluş süreci olması etik gelişime açık olmasını anlatır, ideal politik yapıya erişmiş olduğunu değil. Despotik kültürler tutucu doğaları gereği değişim ya da oluş sürecini yadsırlar. Despotik kültürleri tanımlayan etmen demokrasinin eksikliği olmaktan çok bu kültürlerin özgürleşme ve modernleşme sürecine kapalı kalmada diretmeleridir. Özgürlük bilincinden yoksun böyle geleneksel kültürlerde modernleşme başlıca teknolojik yenileşme ve materyal ilerleme olarak görülür, etik karakterin gelişimi olarak değil. Çin muazzam teknolojik gelişime karşın bugün de 4.000 yıl önceki etik-dışı despotik karakterini sürdürmektedir, ve Hindistan sözde demokrasi olsa da, kast dizgesi bugün de bu engin kültür alanının etik-öncesi karakterini belirlemektedir.

(W) Anocratic regimes are loosely defined as part democracy and part dictatorship, or as a "regime that mixes democratic with autocratic features.

These regime types are particularly susceptible to outbreaks of armed conflict and unexpected or adverse changes in leadership.

In a closed anocracy, competitors are drawn from the élite. In an open anocracy, others compete too.

The number of anocratic regimes has steadily increased over time, with the most notable jump occurring after the end of the Cold War. During the period from 1989 to 2013, the number of anocracies increased from 30 to 53.

Due to the instability of anocratic regimes, human rights violations are significantly higher within anocracies than democratic regimes.

Statistics show that anocracies are ten times more likely to experience intrastate conflict than democracies, and twice as likely as autocracies.

Our World in Data


50 Centuries in 10 Minutes

50 Centuries in 10 Minutes (LINK)



Visualizing Empires Decline

Visualizing Empires Decline (LINK)



All Colonial Empires

All Colonial Empires (LINK)



The History of the World / Every Year

The History of the World / Every Year (LINK)



The History of the World (1492-2016)

The History of the World (1492-2016) (LINK)



History of Empires

History of Empires (LINK)



Expansion and Decline of European Imperialism Every Year (1492-2016)

Expansion and Decline of European Imperialism Every Year (1492-2016) (LINK)



Communism / Every Year

Communism / Every Year (LINK)



History of Communism / Every Year

History of Communism / Every Year (LINK)



The History of Europe Ideologies 1787-2013

The History of Europe Ideologies 1787-2013 (LINK)

Why didn't you include Constitutional Monarchy?

What? Russia is a presidental republic, and so is France. I deem this biased.

Ehm... How could France have been a Republican Dictatorship from 1804 until 1815? For those were the years of the First Empire and the Hundred Days... under Emperor Napoleon. That's a monarchy, yes?

A lot of thinghs are wrong (UK is a MONARCHY and also Spain, Turkey is a dictatorship and a lot of other things). you don't know anything.

Slovakia was fascist from 1939 to 1945 and didnt join Hungary.

Poland-Lithuania was a democracy before France. That's why they got invaded.

Would you be calling it a democracy if the people are voting for the New Ottoman Empire?

Turkey is not Republican Dictatorship at 1920's.That is wrong.

Actually Norway, Denmark and Sweden is Democratic monarchy,

Mustafa Kemal, he isn't dictator; in 1923 Turkey is democratic republic.

Bulgaria never have republican dictatorship! We have only tsar! We we're monarchy until the communism come...


199 Years of Politics I

199 Years of Politics I (LINK)




199 Years of Politics II

199 Years of Politics II (LINK)



Animated map shows how religion spread around the world

Animated map shows how religion spread around the world (LINK)



Spread of Buddhism (Digital Timeline)

Spread of Buddhism (Digital Timeline) (LINK)



The Spread of Christianity Part 1 (30-1000)

The Spread of Christianity — Part 1 (30-1000) (LINK)



The Spread of Christianity — Part 2 (1000-2016)

The Spread of Christianity — Part 2 (1000-2016) (LINK)



Crusades / 1st - 6th

Crusades / 1st - 6th (LINK)



Islam 622-1453 (Every Year)

Islam 622-1453 (Every Year) (LINK)



The Islamic Conquests

The Islamic Conquests (LINK)



World War I / Every Day

World War I / Every Day (LINK)



World War II in Europe / Every Day

World War II in Europe / Every Day (LINK)



World War II on All Fronts / Every Day

World War II on All Fronts / Every Day (LINK)



Country Size Comparison (All 195 Flag Map Ranking)

Country Size Comparison (All 195 Flag Map Ranking) (LINK)



The Spread of the Indo-Europeans

The Spread of the Indo-Europeans (LINK)

I haven't checked the languages of every country in your video, but the Greek language oldest written attestation is 35 centuries which is the oldest continuous living attested language in the world, but Proto Greek is dated to between 3 and 5 millennia BCE, 5000-7000 years ago. So your video in that regard to begin with is entirely incorrect. The fact alone that the written attestation of Greek evidences goes back to 1500 BCE alone is almost identical to the first moment when the Greek language so-called arrived in Greece in your video. So your video is incorrect. "Proto-Greek is mostly placed in the Early Helladic period (early 3rd millennium BC), i.e. towards the end of Neolithic Europe.[5][6] Russell Gray and Quentin Atkinson in a 2003 paper using computational methods on Swadesh lists have arrived at a somewhat earlier estimate, around 5000 BC for Greco-Armenian split and the emergence of Greek and Armenian as a separate linguistic lineages around 4000 BC.[7]"

And aside that, the oldest Indo-European languages in the Indo-European language tree are the Anatolian languages that are all extinct of which the oldest branch is Greek, which as mentioned before is the oldest living language in the world. Indo European language tree: So point is. It's absolutely not even certain that language originate from above the Black sea, but in Anatolia, which might coincide also with the spread of the Neolithic (farming) and so on.


The History of the Turkic Languages

The History of the Turkic Languages (LINK)



The History of Antarctica / 1815-Present

The History of Antarctica / 1815-Present (LINK)



The Exploration of the Arctic / Every Year

The Exploration of the Arctic / Every Year (LINK)



History of the Inuits/Eskimos / Every Year

History of the Inuits / Eskimos / Every Year (LINK)



The History of NATO / Every Year

The History of NATO / Every Year (LINK)



5K Years Political Map Europe

5K Years Political Map Europe (LINK)



A Turkish Origin for Indo-European Languages

A Turkish Origin for Indo-European Languages (LINK)

Reference Mapping the Origins and Expansion of the Indo-European Language Family Science 24 August 2012: Vol. 337 no. 6097 pp. 957-960 DOI: 10.1126/science.1219669

There are two competing hypotheses for the origin of the Indo-European language family. The conventional view places the homeland in the Pontic steppes about 6000 years ago. An alternative hypothesis claims that the languages spread from Anatolia with the expansion of farming 8000 to 9500 years ago. We used Bayesian phylogeographic approaches, together with basic vocabulary data from 103 ancient and contemporary Indo-European languages, to explicitly model the expansion of the family and test these hypotheses. We found decisive support for an Anatolian origin over a steppe origin. Both the inferred timing and root location of the Indo-European language trees fit with an agricultural expansion from Anatolia beginning 8000 to 9500 years ago. These results highlight the critical role that phylogeographic inference can play in resolving debates about human prehistory.


European Ethnics, People, Religions, Languages

European Ethnics, People, Religions, Languages (LINK)



History and prehistory — The Origin of Humans and Human Societies — World History — Khan Academy

History and prehistory — The Origin of Humans and Human Societies — World History — Khan Academy (LINK)



Out of Africa [HotW #1]

Out of Africa [HotW #1] (LINK)



The Neolithic Revolution [HotW #2]

The Neolithic Revolution [HotW #2] (LINK)



The Cradle of Civilisation [HotW #3]

The Cradle of Civilisation [HotW #3] (LINK)



What Happened Before History—Human Origins

What Happened Before History—Human Origins (LINK)



List of Ethnicities in Europe

List of Ethnicities in Europe (LINK)



Sanskrit connections to English World History — Khan Academy

Sanskrit connections to English World History — Khan Academy (LINK)



The Cold War / 45 years of a world conflict explained on a map

The Cold War / 45 years of a world conflict explained on a map (LINK)



The Cold War / Every Month

The Cold War / Every Month (LINK)



The Growth of the United Nations / Every Year

The Growth of the United Nations / Every Year (LINK)



The History of the European Union / Every Year

The History of the European Union / Every Year (LINK)



The History of the Plague / Every Major Epidemic

The History of the Plague / Every Major Epidemic (LINK)



The Longest War in History — The 335 Years' War

The Longest War in History — The 335 Years’ War (LINK)



The Marshall Plan

The Marshall Plan (LINK)



The Rise and Fall of Catholic Military Orders

The Rise and Fall of Catholic Military Orders (LINK)



U.S. Railroad History Map 1830-1990s

U.S. Railroad History Map 1830-1990s (LINK)



Zoroastrianism / World History — Khan Academy

Zoroastrianism / World History — Khan Academy (LINK)



World War II in the Pacific / Every Day

World War II in the Pacific / Every Day (LINK)



Socrates, Plato, Aristotle / World History — Khan Academy

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle / World History — Khan Academy (LINK)



500 Years of European Colonialism

500 Years of European Colonialism (LINK)



European Colonial Empires (1492-2008)

European Colonial Empires (1492-2008) (LINK)

Historical timeline of territories colonized by European powers, the United States and Japan from 1492-2008.

Japan? Ottomans? America? Wow very european.

Reminding again: Ottoman Empire was not a colonial empire! Expansionist, yes; but not colonial!

This video is 100% wrong! Turkey and Japan weren't European, they were Asiatic! Oh, and America is technically a European empire since it descended from Europeans... This video needs to either be changed to 'Colonial Empires', or the creator of the video needs to change the video completely!

Technically speaking, the USSR was a colonial power. Not all of their land had ethnic majority of Russians, so those countries that broke away from it were technically colonies even though they were part of the mainland.

USSR was not a colonial - it was a union like the EU, with only a single control and a single constitution. and Russia do not cut off the native population, as was done in the United States - "the country ideal democracy"


European Colonization of Africa / Every Year

European Colonization of Africa / Every Year (LINK)



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